Virtual Dial

Virtual Dial

per Citilab Edutec


Citilab ED1


This activity is part of the Citilab Course. Check it out!

Virtual Dial


  • In this example we will use the potentiometer, a component that allows us to regulate the voltage level that can be read on an analog input pin.


  • It has three terminals: one for the power input (5V or 3.3V), another for ground (GND) and the last one for the output voltage.

internal potentiometer

  • It works as a voltage divider: the output will give a voltage value depending on the position of the dial (the closer to the power pin, the higher the value).

Connection and reading

  • To connect it to the board you will need to use one of the analog pins.

  • It must be connected following the same color scheme, i.e. red with red, black with black, etc.

    ED1 analog connection

  • Once connected, we can find out its value using the read analog pin _ block from Pins category, while specifying the pin number where we have connected it.

Analog reading block

Boards For boards like the micro:bit or the micro:STEAMaker we will have to connect with alligator clips or with an adapter for pin connections. For boards with 4-pin connectors there are adapter cables for pin connections.

Connexions cocodril Connexions extensor Connexions connector
Challenge 1: Make a small program that displays the value read from the potentiometer


Solution to challenge 1

Imported TFT library

Solution challenge 1

Turtle Library

  • In addition to the numerical value, we will try to represent the movement of the potentiometer on the screen with a "virtual dial".

  • For this we will use the Turtle library in Graphics and Displays folder, which allows you to draw on the screen in a way similar to the language LOGO and of course, as in Scratch or Snap!).

Turtle library

Draw a line

  • To be able to draw a line, the following blocks should be used:
  • home to start from the center of the screen.
  • set pen color to _ to select a color (default is green).
  • pen down to down the pen.
  • point in direction _ to point in the desired direction before drawing the line. (home includes points in direction 0).
  • move _ to move an amount of pixels in current direction.

Draw a line Line on screen

Challenge 2: Find the formula to go from the analog input value range (0-1023) to the direction range (0-360º)


Solution to challenge 2

Solution challenge 2

Or also:

Solution challenge 2b

  • Once we have the formula we can use it to vary the direction of the line according to the position of the potentiometer reading.

  • The blocks for fixing the pencil color and lowering it do not need to be inside the loop, they only need to be executed once before starting to draw.

  • We will take advantage of the code we had previously to display the value per screen and move the dial at the same time.

Virtual Dial


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