Fantastic Robot

Fantastic Robot

per Citilab Edutec


Citilab ED1


This activity is part of the Citilab Course. Check it out!

Fantastic Robot

Fantastic Robot

  • Citilab's Fantastic robot was designed to work on robotics in primary education.

  • The kit consists of an ED1 board, two servomotors and a detachable chassis. Assemble the robot following the instructions in the box!

KRobot kit

Assembled robot

Movement of the robot

  • The block move motor 1 in _ and motor 2 in _ _ steps allows to move the motors simultaneously.

  • By combining the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation of the motors, the robot can move forward, backward or turn.

  • With 512 steps the robot moves around the perimeter of the wheel. In the case of the Fantastic they are about 22 cm.

  • To move 1 cm you need to make about 23 engine steps.

  • To rotate the robot 1 degree it is necessary to take about 2 steps.

Mpve robot forward

Challenge 1: Control the robot with the directional buttons on the board.


Solution to challenge 1


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