Fantastic Robot with Memory
To make the robot able to reproduce a few commands in a row, it is necessary to save them beforehand.
We have already used variables to store numbers or texts. In this case we will use one to store a list of commands.
Lists allow us to save a set of data that we can access individually.
The Data category blocks are used to manipulate the lists.
Saving and deleting commands
The block add _ to list _ allows you to add items to a list, on the other hand with the block remove item _ from list _ you can remove one or all the items from the list .
Our robot will have to empty the command list when starting or when we press the X button. This can be done by saving an empty list to the variable, or using the remove-items block with the all option selected.
Each movement button will save an identifier of the corresponding order. The 500 milliseconds wait prevents many commands from being added when a button is pressed.
Selecting and executing commands
- In the commands list we have the sequence of movements that we want the robot to execute.
- To access a command, use the block item _ of list _.
- The control block for i in _ allows iterating through the list. The value of i corresponds to each of the saved items or commands.
- All that remains is to move the engines based on the commands in the list with the OK button.
Challenge 1: Program the robot with memory.
Solution to challenge 1
Child ED1 robot
The program used in schools with the Fantastic robot adds sounds and images to the screen to improve interactivity.
You can download it from here.
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