Windshield Wiper
Citilab ED1. For other boards, an additional adapter board is required.
Stepper motors
Stepper motors are a type of motor that rotate by small steps in one direction or the other.
Stepper motors are very precise and versatile, since they can move by precise angles as well as full-turns.For example, stepper motors are used in to move the print head in plotters and 3D printers.
A popular and cost-effective model is the 28BYJ-48. It operates at 5 Volts and allows 512 steps per lap.
Operation of stepper motors
- These motors have several windings that are activated to achieve the rotary movement.
For each winding there is a specific cable to activate it.
To use them you need a specific driver circuit that applies the appropriate voltages.
The Citilab ED1 board incorporates 2 outputs prepared for this type of motor.
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- For other boards, an adapter is required, which it's connected to 4 digital outputs.
ED1 Stepper Motors Library
- To work with the 28BYJ-48 stepper motors you need to use the ED1 Stepper Motor library found in the Kits and Boards category.
- There are blocks to work with the 2 motors independently and a specific one to move the two motors at the same time.
- Note for advanced users: The
set motor pin _ for motor _ to _
block is used to control the ED1's motors pins as extra digital pins.
Challenge 1: Make a wiper with the speed controlled by a potentiometer.
Solution to challenge 1
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